2024 Posts


The Suite Life

Apparently hotels can’t build suites fast enough to keep up with the demand. I guess the Russian mafia is still solvent and rock stars will always need enough room to house their entire entourage as well as the model(s) du ...

Working 9 to 5

My job search continues, undaunted by the thousands of positions that currently languish without alignment to my skills, although I am beginning to suspect they do not align with anyone’s skills. I have no explanation for why a company would ...

Un-accustomed as I am

Apparently, fear of public speaking (glossophobia for those who are interested in official labels) affects 75% of the population. Clearly that’s not an issue for Bill Clinton or Barack Obama (or even Michelle). And I am happy to say I ...
Middle Age

My dancing career Part 1

My dancing career started when I was about seven years old. I don’t think that ballet was a very accurate name for the classes I attended, since the most difficult thing we did was stand still with our arms over ...

To avoid complications, she never kept the same address

When I was younger, I had no conception of how fortunate I was. I think this is true of most people. That’s because unless you have a certain amount of life experience under your belt, it does not occur to ...
Middle Age

If I had a million dollars

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the invention of Kraft Dinner. This only recently came to my attention with a scant few months left to celebrate. Clearly Google dropped the ball on this one but I am happy to ...
Middle Age

Come one, come all, to Expo 67 Montreal

It has been 45 years since Expo 67. At its time, the world’s fair of 1967 was the biggest exposition in the history of the world. The trip to Expo was our summer road trip that year, with the added ...

All the science I don’t understand – it’s just my job 5 days a week

Online job boards are an essential evil of looking for a job today. You also need to run the gauntlet of badly designed HR software (Taleo, my finger is pointing squarely at you) that does not let you submit your ...

Country comfort’s any bus that’s heading home

You learn a lot by travelling by bus. Okay, you could probably learn the same things when travelling by car, but you just don’t. That’s because when you travel by car you don’t have to pull off the road every ...
Middle Age

Everything today is thoroughly modern

In the past year I have seen the term ‘midcentury modern’ increasingly more often, usually in the context of hip and happening decor. At first I had no idea which era they were referring to but then it dawned on ...

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