
Just Another Manic Sunday

Even though Mondays no longer spark the opposite of joy, and even though Saturdays are no longer reluctant shopping days, there’s something about Sundays that still stretch languidly, with ample time to putter in the kitchen. So that’s exactly what I did on the weekend. First order of business was to defrost half a prime rib roast that was in …


Rose-coloured Glasses

  I am the kind of person who owns a collection of random glassware. In fact, if I tried hard enough, I could trace the eras of my various kitchens ...
Middle Age

An Honest-to-goodness actual phone interaction

Call centre person: “Hello, this is Stephanie. How can I help you?” Me: “I’d like to cancel my online Toronto Star subscription.” CCP: “Oh. I’m sorry you want to do ...
Middle Age

My Internet Twins

Last week, I received the following email, which I have copied and pasted verbatim: Hey Marilyn – you’re the person responsible for fiscal decisions related to Marilyn M Carr The ...
Marilyn Carr meets the Beatles

Connect with Marilyn Carr

Writer. Editor. Ghostwriter.

Books Books

The next instalment of my memoir, If It’s Shreveport, It Must Be Tuesday, will be published later in 2024.
