2024 Posts

Middle Age

Everthing I need to know I learned from the Rolling Stones

It was 50 years ago today (okay, it was really 50 years ago yesterday) that the Rolling Stones began to play. Even though Google totally dropped the ball on this anniversary, like any person, place or thing that reaches this ...
Middle Age

Her Majesty’s a pretty nice girl

I cast no aspersions on the achievement of 60 years in the same job, but has Queen Elizabeth completed 100 blog posts? I think not. And on the momentous occasion of cranking out 50,000 words, give or take, rain or ...

Take a letter, Maria

I once had a summer job in an office. This is different than having a summer job that is not in an office like the one supervising a summer playground program (where I learned to hate the smell of sunburned ...
Middle Age

In the key of life

I have already talked about my typing proficiency, which has stood me in good stead now that we pretty much all type for a living. But it just occurred to me that we don’t think much about the evolution from ...
Middle Age

Leaving Las Vegas

Neither of my weddings took place in June, which is still the most popular wedding month. My avoidance of June probably has more to do with my aversion to traditional wedding stuff than a dislike for the month itself. However, ...
Middle Age

Tattoo You

Summer is pretty much unofficially here and one of the first signs of summer is people wearing fewer clothes. Along with the usual offenses punishable by the fashion police, the lesser coverage also results in too much information about people’s ...
Middle Age

No Reply

If I decide to keep my landline, I am seriously considering going back to a physical answering machine because I have paid for one about 100 times over courtesy of the monthly tithe to Bell for my ‘invisible’ answering machine. ...
Middle Age

The egg and I

There must be someone at Google with the job title of ‘Doodle Topic Researcher’ and if they ever move on from that job to something more lucrative I would like to apply. That’s because the job does not seem to ...
Middle Age

Everything I need to know I learned from disco

May was a bad month for disco, with the deaths of Jimmy Ellis, Donna Summer and Robin Gibb. It also puts me too close for comfort to my own mortality, because it is not a good thing when the fixtures ...

Ricky and me

Ricky, who died last week, was the longest lived of any of my cats, which was definitely an accomplishment (and not a testament to my dubious cat parenting skills). He is also the reason for my decidedly racist views on ...

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