2024 Posts

Middle Age

School’s out for the summer – Part 2

The second time I voluntarily went to school in the summer was to attend a 6 week French immersion course. With all of the logic the Federal government (who funded the course) could muster, the location chosen to transform us ...
Middle Age

School’s out for the summer

When you are a kid, there is nothing better than the day you are let out of school for the summer with two whole months to do pretty much nothing. And there is nothing worse than being sentenced to go ...
Middle Age

Kodachrome – you give us the nice bright colours

As you may know, I was recently away on vacation in Russia. What you don’t know is how many photos I took. Want to hazard a guess? Whatever you guessed I’m guessing you are wrong. I took none. Zero. Zippo. ...
Middle Age

It wasn’t a rock – it was a rock lobster!

My new favourite magazine is Bon Appetite. This is from someone who has about 7 magazines delivered to her door each month. Anyhow, the rest will have to live with the fact that Bon Appetite is my current golden child ...

Nyet nyet Soviet jewellery

I was hanging out in the lobby of the Metropol Hotel (rooms from 7450 Rubles) in downtown Moscow yesterday. This is a fairly grand hotel, located right next to Red Square. It was built in 1901 at the very beginning ...
Middle Age

The truth is out there

There are many things that people who should know better say with complete confidence that turn out later to be completely false. I think this started with the caveman who stated emphatically that there would never be a faster mode ...


Various publications including Forbes magazine recently published their list of the most annoying business jargon. Jargon, as we know, is a way for people to feel like they are at one with their chosen profession. It’s (literally) a way to ...

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

As we all know there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics. Or in my life, there are statistics, damn statistics and can you please stop with the damn statistics. The last thing I ever thought I would ...
Middle Age

My address to the graduating class of 2013

When you graduate from post secondary school it is natural to have a sense of a new beginning. Who knows what adventures await? Who knows where you will end up working? Who knows when you will pay off your student ...
Middle Age

My theatre career: Part 3

A strange thing happens when you get older. Sometimes (okay, all the time), you think about your younger years and how wonderful they were compared to the drudgery of being a grownup. A couple of years ago I had one ...

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