2024 Posts

Middle Age

Call me

I am not sure if this is truly a coincidence or not, but this week was both the 50th anniversary of the touch tone phone and the 50th anniversary of Dr. Who, the latter of which as you should know ...
Middle Age

Stay, just a little bit longer

Another insult to the injury of November is leaving the cottage for the season. Not that I am not less than miserable at the lake when the sleet starts sleeting, the dark starts creeping, and the water lines start freezing ...
Middle Age

Run away, run away

This may be an unfortunate way to start, but my inspiration this week is that an 81 year old man in Toronto just got arrested for murdering his roommate in his downtown nursing home. There are many things wrong with ...
Middle Age

I don’t like Mondays

I have a huge issue I must disclose. I don’t like a third of the year. I don’t like November, December, January or February. I have just come to terms with the fact that this is not a good thing. ...
Middle Age

My friend Doug

The thing I find most annoying about life is how often people leave it. My friend Louis, my friend Rudy, and now my friend Doug, who died very suddenly last weekend, and unfortunately before he could eat Thanksgiving dinner. It ...
Middle Age

Tea for two

Although we may like to think we invented it in the 1960s, the t-shirt is in fact 100 years old. Come to think of it, this should not be a surprise because I have a few that look at least ...
Middle Age

It’s on the list

Those who know me know that I am not a procrastinator. In fact I am the opposite of a procrastinator although I don’t know what the word for that would be. Oh wait, Mr. Google could probably tell me. One ...
Middle Age

Don’t know much about history

This just in: you make more money if you decide to be a doctor, engineer, or if recent information about the distribution of wealth on aboriginal reservations is true, Indian chief, than if you choose to complete a B.A. I ...
Middle Age

Colours of my mind

In case you didn’t know this, Pantone, the people who invented the paint colour chart, are also in charge of annual colour trend predictions for fashion. This fall expect to see lots of Acai, Samba and Turbulence (the latter of ...

Beach blanket bingo

In my continuing attempt to provide simultaneous translation to those of you outside the gilded circle of professional services professionals, here is a supplementary explanation of terminology you should know. On the beach. This is actually an expression from the ...

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