
Beach blanket bingo

In my continuing attempt to provide simultaneous translation to those of you outside the gilded circle of professional services professionals, here is a supplementary explanation of terminology you should know. On the beach. This is actually an expression from the good old days before HR got its finger in everything. It does not mean that […]

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Walking in Memphis

Actually, I did little to no walking in Memphis. That’s because I was in greater metropolitan Memphis, such as it is, at FedEx’s headquarters at the intersection of two major highways. FedEx’s centre of world shipping domination is situated on South Shady Grove Road. In the true manner of all suburban street naming subterfuge, it

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To Serve and Protect

Hopefully there is a statute of limitations on non-disclosure agreements, although I think I am okay because I didn’t sign one and the company that did is long gone, and there was no murder involved that I am aware of. Anyhow, this tale falls into the truth is stranger than fiction category. Several years ago

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